Firebase Cloud Storage
Before you can use Firebase Cloud storage, you need to obtain a service token key. Follow the steps below to integrate Firebase storage with Jet.
Get Firebase Storage JSON Key
To get the JSON key you need to add Firebase to your Google project. First, go to Firebase and just click Get Started.
To create a project, follow the steps:
Click on the
Add Project
buttonChoose a name for the project
Click on the
buttonSelect the Google Account
Click on the
Create Project
Then go to the Service Accounts to generate a new JSON private key. Once you generate a private key, it will automatically download to your computer.
To generate a private key, follow the steps:
Click on the
of the Project OverviewClick on the
Project Settings
Go to the Service Accounts tab
Click on the
Generate new private key
Add Firebase Storage to Jet Admin
Select Firebase Storage from the list of available storage options, upload the JSON file or paste the service token generated for your service account.
Here's an example of a JSON Service Key obtained from Firebase:
Once you have integrated Firebase Storage with Jet you will see a Storage File Viewer that'll allow you to access your data. For more information about using storage and uploading files, see the File Storage and Uploading section.
Last updated