Deploy On-Premise Jet Admin with Docker

Learn how to deploy an instance of On-Premise Jet Admin using Docker-compose.

This deployment method grants you access to the full suite of Jet Admin services, empowering your workflow with comprehensive functionality.


  • Command-line experience

  • Experience with and setups involving Docker Engine and Docker Compose are required.


For On-premise Jet Admin instances, you need a Linux-based machine that fulfills the following criteria:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 or later.

  • 8GiB memory.

  • 4x vCPUs.

  • 60GiB storage.

  • curl and unzip software packages installed.

Install On-Premise Jet Admin:

Navigate to the environment settings. From the left menu, select "On-premise" and designate the app deployment type as "On-premise".

  • Open a terminal or command prompt and execute the following command:

sudo sh -c "$(curl -sS"

The link provided here is just an example. You need to copy your personalized project link from your project. If you need to know how to find the link, follow the instructions provided in the clip.

  • This command retrieves a script from the specified URL ( and runs it using sh.

  • This script will handle the installation process for the Jet Admin package

Run Jet Admin On-Premise:

  • After the installation is complete, you can run Jet Admin on-premise using Docker-compose.

  • Navigate to the jet-onpremise directory where Jet Admin is installed.

  • Run the following command to start Jet Admin and its components in the background:

    sudo docker-compose up -d
  • The application should now be accessible at the specified NGINX port (default is 80) on your localhost (http://localhost:80).


  • To verify that Jet Admin is running, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:80.

  • Proceed to create a new account, then create a project and add resources.

Last updated