Customize your Portal

In this section you will learn how to customize your customer portal

In Jet Admin, you can customize the appearance of your Portal for better usability. Let's start with the Units table.

Let's disable unnecessary columns and rearrange the order.

  1. Click on the Units Table

  2. Disable the unnecessary columns

In Airtable, field types are detected automatically, but for other data sources you might need to configure them by clicking on the column icon

Let's now set the number of displayed rows to 5, and make the first row selected by default. To do that, follow the steps:

  1. Go to the Display Tab

  2. Set 5 in the Rows Per Table section

  3. Enable the Select First Row By Default option

You can change the field types to render different fields differently and customize their appearance. To do so,

  1. Click on the Priority field

  2. Choose Low Option

  3. Click on the Color field

  4. Choose the Color

In Jet Admin, you can configure and customize any component individually on any page. Let's make our record fields non-editable so that the users will be able to change them.

  1. Click on the Unit ID field

  2. From the menu on the right, change it to Editable

  3. Click on the Assign To ID field

  4. From the menu on the right, change it to View-Only

Applying similar edits to the Tasks table and we're done with the UI customization.

Now, let's invite external users and make them interact only with their data:

Users & Permissions

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