Blending the Data

In this section you will learn about Blending the Data

To demonstrate how the data blending works, we'll use two data sources: Airtable and Google Sheets, where the former contains the Order table and the latter - the Customers table. Notice that the Customer ID column in the Orders table refers to the ID in the Customers table.

Once you've connected your data sources (read more on particular integrations here), proceed to the data section and pick a data source where you want to perform the blending (you can choose either one, it's just a matter of convenience)

  1. Create a new Virtual Collection

  2. Name the Collection

  3. Click on the Create button

  4. You'll see all the data sources you've connected using "Sync" on the right. You can now pick the columns and use them in your query:

And after writing and running our query, we get the resulting table, containing Full name and Country columns from the Customers table together with the Order Date column from the Orders table.

After saving changes, we get a collection with joined data that we can later use in the interface.

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