How to use pixel-perfect components

Discover how you can apply Pixel Perfect Components

how to use (lists, standalone, cells), how to use marketplace, how to modify, how to start from scratch. change all arcades There are three options for how you can apply Custom Components:

To apply Custom Cards in the List, follow the steps:

  1. Click on the Gallery

  2. Click on the Property card button in the right panel

  3. From the dropdown menu, choose Use Marketplace Component

2. Standalone components (Profile headers, documents, summary, banners)

  1. Click on the Gallery

  2. Click on the Property card button in the right panel

  3. From the dropdown menu, choose Use Marketplace Component

  4. Choose Standalone

3. Record fields (health, metrics, user/product)

  1. Click on the Gallery

  2. Click on the Property card button in the right panel

  3. From the dropdown menu, choose Use Marketplace Component

  4. Choose Record fields

4. Menu items

  1. Navigate to the menu settings

  2. Add a new item to the menu

  3. Select Custom component

Last updated