
A detailed overview of the types of Actions.

Action is an operation that you can perform in Jet Admin. Visually, the action is a button in the Jet Admin interface.

To add an action you need to

  1. Select a Button component

  2. Drag and drop it on the page

Action types

There are a variety types of actions that are split into sections:


  • Run operation. Perform any CRUD operation or custom API/SQL query.

  • Export Data. Export data from the table.

  • Import Data. Import data to a collection.

  • Navigate to page. Passing values and switching between pages.

  • Open URL. Open the link in a new or the current tab.



  • Show Notification. Show custom notification.

  • Copy to Clipboard. Copy data to your Clipboard.

  • Run Component Action. Act on a component, such as updating data or clearing the form after submitting.


Run workflow

Action confirmation dialog

You can set up a confirmation dialog that will appear before executing an action.

To add a confirmation dialog, use the "Confirm on execute" section of the right-side panel

You can define the Title, Description, and button styles for your confirmation dialog.

Run Operation

Perform operation with your resources, such as CRUD operations with Databases, operations with third party services, APIs and frameworks, and operations with storages.

Creating an operation in a button

  1. Click on the Button

  2. Go to the Click Action

  3. Choose Run Operation

  4. Choose the Resource

  5. Choose the Action

Operations with storages

You can perform these actions with storages:

  • Getting private file URL

  • Uploading a File

  • Getting list of objects

  • Creating a directory

  • Removing an object

You can pass values and switch between pages. To do so, follow the steps:

  1. Click on the Button

  2. Go to the Click Action

  3. Choose Navigate to Page

  4. Choose the Link of the Page

Open URL

Opens any website URLs, use Action specified as Open URL.

  1. Click on the Button

  2. Go to the Click Action

  3. Choose Open URL

  4. Click on the URL icon to change the URL of the Page

Open/Close Modal

You can close the pop-up modal window. To do so, follow the steps:

  1. Click on the Button

  2. Go to the Click Action

  3. Choose Close Modal


Open Actions Dropdown

The Open Actions Dropdown feature allow you to create a list of multiple separate actions that will appear in a drop-down list. This dropdown menu facilitates triggering queries and other actions with ease.

  • Multiple Actions: Create a list of distinct actions that users can select from a dropdown menu.

  • Ease of Use: Simplify the process of triggering various actions from a single interface element.

  • Manual Configuration: Customize the actions list according to specific requirements.

Run Component Action

You can act on a component, such as updating data or clearing the form after submitting.

Component Actions

Show Notification

You can show custom notifications.

Custom Notifications

Run JavaScript

To execute JavaScript code upon clicking a button, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the button.

  2. Navigate to the Click Action.

  3. Select "Run JavaScript."

  4. Type your JavaScript code and return the result.

You can Insert input values from other components and use it further within your JavaScript code. To do that, click 'Insert Input' and choose the needed component.

Export Data

You can export data from the table. To do so, follow the steps:

  1. Click on the Table

  2. Go to the Actions Tab

  3. Scroll down to the Header Actions

  4. Click on the New Action

  5. Choose Export Data

  6. Choose the Resource and the Collection

Download File

  1. Click on the Button

  2. Go to the Click Action

  3. Choose Download File

Now, let's define the Resource and Operation. To do so, follow the steps:

  1. Click on the button

  2. Pick a resource

  3. Choose an operation to write SQL queries

  4. Write the SQL query

  5. Click on the Run button

  6. Click on the Save button

This will generate a JSON file with the data.

Copy to clipboard

You can set up actions to copy data to the clipboard. This works with all components. To configure it, follow the steps:

  1. Go to the Actions Tab

  2. Go to the Row Click

  3. Choose Copy to Clipboard

  4. Click on the Set up with Formula icon

  5. Choose Email

Last updated