Sync Options

In this section you will learn about Sync Options

The sync parameters can be changed in the Sync options tab. To get there, click the three dots in the top left corner of your data source page:

The syncing consists of two parts: the Data source - Jet tables connection (referred to as External updates) and the Jet tables - Interface connection (referred to as Internal updates). The latter pair is syncing in real-time while the former one's syncing interval can be changed

At the moment, the external updates interval can only be set on the side of Jet Admin, so if you need to change it, reach out to client support

In the sync tab, you can:

  • View the status (could be active or paused) (1)

  • Control the sync: pause it or perform a manual sync - Sync now (2)

  • View the Internal updates interval (3)

  • View the external updates interval (4)

The last sync date and time are displayed along with the sync status:

To View Sync Events, follow the steps:

  1. Click on the More icon

  2. Click on the View Sync Events button

  3. Click on the More button

To learn more about using SQL queries in Jet Admin, please refer to this page:

Reading data from SQL

Last updated